Anxiety and Depression Treatment in Onalaska, WI
What is anxiety?
We all get stressed out sometimes. You can expect it. We get stressed because of work dynamics, overly busy schedules, relationship challenges, or when unexpected demands arise.
When stress leads to anxiety and fear it can cause problems and start to affect your everyday life. Sometimes people wait years before seeking help with anxiety and depression. Anxiety has a chicken and egg relationship with depression. Don’t wait.
Common signs of anxiety:
Worrying out of proportion to the actual threat
The worry is hard to control
Seeking reassurance from others for temporary relief
Feeling edgy or restless, a sense of dread
Tired and difficulty focusing
Trouble going to sleep or staying asleep
Sweating, nausea, or diarrhea
Panicky feelings such as a racing pulse and quick breathing
Avoidance of certain situations or places
Relying more on drinking, shopping, over-working and other ways to numb out
How can Anxiety Counseling in Onalaska help?
Solutions to stress and anxiety are unique to you and your needs. Anxious feelings are often driven by the way you think.
When you are having anxious thoughts, you may intellectually know that they aren’t necessarily true or objective thoughts. Your head may have a preference for catastrophes and things that couldhappen. Your mind is having its way with you.
Anxiety Counseling involves changing the way you think which changes the way you feel. If there is a situation or something that kicked it off, it is worth it to acknowledge how that may have impacted your mood. That’s the nutshell version. You don’t have to be in therapy forever. You can work past feeling limited by your thoughts and start feeling more confident and assured in handling things your way.
When you are done with your Anxiety Counseling, you will feel more yourself again. You will have tools to use long after you end therapy.
We all feel nervous and stressed at times, but don’t live an anxious life. Use the button below to schedule a session for Anxiety Counseling in Onalaska, WI with Jennifer or Mollie.
What is depression?
If you are reading this you may be wondering if you or someone you love is experiencing depression. Sometimes it is hard to tell if someone is sad or grieving, or if it is depression.
We all get sad and sometimes suffer with the inevitable losses that are part of life. When your mood affects your daily life and relationships and it persists, you may want to consider whether or not it is depression you are experiencing.
Common signs of depression:
Changes in how much you sleep
Changes in appetite, weight gain or loss
Difficulty focusing
Less interest in sex
Less interest in things which you usually enjoy
Feelings of hopelessness
Low energy
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness
Sometimes depression gets kicked up from a major loss or unexpected transition, but sometimes it just shows up and it may be hard to identify just when or how it entered your life.
How can Depression Counseling help?
Like anxiety, depression affects the way you think. A “down” time turns into prolonged negative thoughts which in turn ratchet your mood down another notch. You have to interrupt this thinking spiral. To do this, we help you to start noticing and change some of the automatic thoughts getting in your way. We help you identify things in your life which contribute to depression that you wish to change.
You may prefer medication to therapy, or wish to avoid medication at all costs. Your primary care provider is a good place to start if you would like to explore whether medication might be helpful. Most people prefer to use everything they can at once to make the changes necessary. Many antidepressants also help anxiety. We believe it is up to you and will help you with the information you need to make your best decision.
It’s vital to get your sleep back on track. Both depression and insomnia involve chemicals in the brain and regardless which started first, do everything you can for both your mood and sleep now.
When you finish treatment, you can expect to feel more like yourself. We all have tough times in our lives, but you don’t need to suffer alone when there is help available.